Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Slow it down, no need to speed

So not trying to re-invent the wheel of brie or anything this morning, but if I do not show you some of this I will have to throw eggs at my own window. I know vandalism is not good but if I do it to myself I guess it would be described more as redecorating rather than starting trouble in the neighbourhood. And I would never start trouble in the neighbourhood, I love the neighbourhood.

As I meandered through the dull and desolate streets of North Sydney toward my life in a shoebox my ipod produced the soulful melodies I desired. I love how my music device knows me so well it can read me and select the remedy without a nudge of indication, producing track after track of healing. The medication I speak of on this occasion came in the form of the ever impressive and rhythmically laid back tones produced by the one and only Fat Freddy’s Drop. “Based on a True Story”, the debut album from the group still makes the rotation on my music device as their infectious melodies and soulful feel can carry me from the depths of normality and all that is everyday life, to a serene level of bliss transcending those around me. Not in a way of being better than anyone or anything, just in a way of allowing me to enter my own world where I have hired Fat Freddy’s Drop to chauffeur me wherever they feel I will have a good time!

The best known song off the album would most likely be Wandering Eye and I can see why it was the first video clip from the album. The building throughout and signature voice of Dallas Tamaira AKA “Joe Dukie” help set the mood of a relaxed yet powerful and vibrant track where rhythm is key. The horns play these funky little licks which just get our feet steppin and your mouth watering and you just want more and more.

Trying to choose my recommended track is a tough task, as after listening to the album for so long I am not confident I could discriminate against any of these as each have their own style. However I will earmark Roady and Hope as two to listen to. So here they are =)

If you are into this go youtube and check out Katchafire who are also so so beautiful.

Anyway, I really just wanted to hook you crazy kids up with some funk, soul, groove, awesomeness and just let you all know that today is a good day for jamming. I hope you all have a lovely day and remember, hook a brother up with some feedback, things can’t get better without communication and I can’t get better without having some breakfast, so send me your eggs, soldier toast and juicy-juice so I can feed my mind with your well prepared meal. So until next time, follow your ears... unless your ears are really scary and walk you down an alley filled with cats and mice playing hide and seek, then you should be careful, your ears may be tricking you into a trap, condemning you to sleepless nights and music-less days... or not... Not quite sure but stay awesome. YEOW!

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