Monday, August 2, 2010

New Job + lots of writing = absence from personal blog

Sorry for the absence peeps but due to my recent start of the new role involving a lot of writing, editing and maintenance of content I have just been too busy… I know way way way lame excuse, so let’s pretend I never said it and instead just talk music.

I have been listening to so much music lately and getting to plenty of gigs so why should I not share these with you, the awesome peeps you be. Live footage of Cloud Control and Band Of Horses playing the Black Cab Sessions has pretty much been the peak of my musical appreciation of late. The way they replicate their harmonies and soaring sounds has had me breathless. Cloud Control have begun making a real name for themselves in the UK market and we hope to hear more about them in coming weeks. I will try report what I hear, when I hear it!

As always the ever-amazing Hype Machine has ensured I do not miss any updates of great performances by Local Natives, Delphic and Foals. All three groups have had me literally reaching out for more **cue sound of smashing my hand against the monitor to awaken my senses remembering I am, as most, just sitting at a computer and not there experiencing the awesomeness live** They all bring a very different sound to the stage and have all received a lot of recognition of late. Really loving it peeps, keep keep keep it comin YEOW!

I hit up Freshly Cut @ The Gaelic on Thursday night to see Chaingang, My Future Lies and The Jefferson and I love being able to do this with work because it reminds me that while little coverage is received from such gigs, the Sydney Live Music Scene is alive and flippin awesome! The crowd was so cool, getting into their favourite tracks and just rockin out like it's 1956 (or some more relevant year). Definitely worth keeping this night in mind if just looking for a cheap night of good music with a solid crew of fans.

Anyway, brief but packed with goodness so hit this biz up and let me know what ya’ll tink tink tink. I gonna try and get back on this shiz a bit more often in the coming weeks but if not, I will apologise again next time.

Later hat wearing peeps

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