Friday, December 3, 2010

So Beautiful


Highlights of my week

So here are just a few things that got me through the week, some of which I am sure will also get you through your Friday afternoon. Enjoy you crazy, spanner carrying, hat wearing, spider monkey loving castle building kids!

Music of my week!

The Jezabels – Another one of our awesome Triple J Unearthed findings of 2010, The Jezabels have really come into their own on the back end of the year, so much so that they were up for Unearthed artist of the year at the Triple J Awards. Previous winners of the award are names such as The John Steel Singers and The Middle East and this years’ competition was just as crazy as what should be expected. This 4 piece found themselves up against the recently named Glastonbury guests, Stonefield, the amazingly talented Gypsy and the Cat, and my personal favourite and eventual winners, Boy and Bear. So listen to the beautiful and powerful sounds of The Jezabels and let me know what you think, and if you are keen to check them out soon they will be playing at the Oxford Art Factory on Friday, 10th December and will also be at Peats Ridge Festival so check out their MySpace.

Music isn’t the only thing that got me through the week, so here are some great Ads that I also really enjoyed. MEOW!

A Couple of Great Reads
And one last funny video

Monday, October 25, 2010

R.A.E.D - so worth a post

Holy moly this is internet shaming hard out. Wow!

Thank you to Amnesia Blog for showing me this.... just re-posting.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Little Red riding on the goodness wave

Now I have been a giant supporter of Little Red for quite some time as you may know by previous posts and/or if you know me in a non-digital way and have had to deal with me constantly going on and on and on and on and on and such and such and so forth and so forth etc etc meow cat blargh roof bark nay....
So if you have met/read/heard (probable)/seen or just pondered about how much I constantly rant about these guys you would totally appreciate why I would then write this entry. The entry. The review of Little Red's latest album, Midnight Remember.
I like most fans of the doo-wop early writings of a band so obviously influenced by 1950's lifestyle, enter the absorbing stage of the music appreciation life cycle (yep, i just said that) with a fairly clear idea of earlier writings, earlier performances, earlier experiences and thus a clear idea of things to come.... naive, I know.
So with this naivety, I like James and his peach jump into the boogie bag and allow my senses to be hijacked on a voyage of niceties, harmonies, whimsicality and more importantly musicality.
Coca-cola this aint.
I am welcomed to the Little Red palace of a mature, grown and enhanced musicality, carrying undertones of animal collective with the clear, concise and beautifully constructed lyrical textures of a group clearly defined by growth, experience and a wish to solidify their place upon the stoop. Get A Life is a track that welcomes, while also alerting you to the fact - you do not know what we are capable of, you couldn't, we haven't done it yet, but check this out.
Heralding Slow Motion, Forget About Your Man and the instantly recognisable Rock It, this track sets about the task of educating us while only allowing the courtesy bus as our vantage point as to ensure we see, but we do not get hasty and damage slash or gauge.
The ensuing tracks, like a weepish pup, allow us to get slightly closer with time, allowing a touch, a word, a subtle meow and as such we are educated to its beauty and shocked by its capabilities. The positivity reflected in the early works of Little Red is not lost, by no means, and if anything the light touches of their signature harmonies, doo-wop styles do nothing less than create a sort of longing for more.
The hit single Rock It carries much of the original vibe Little Red presented us with in earlier tracks such as Coca Cola and Witch Doctor while continuing to build on a clearly more complex sound. A sound this particular listener is impressed by.
The album goes onto to build on its story and takes you, the passenger, on a delightful voyage across mountainous landscapes of harmonious treats.
I would, if i had such a system rate this highly with stars, smileys, thumbs, likes or whatever, but instead I will just recommend you have a listen. You will notice I have not included links to any of the new songs as I want you to seek these yourself, but I have included the great clip for the wonderful, Witchdoctor... enjoy and take care peeps.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Before I even start, can I just say how amazing I feel to know that Stonefield, the amazingly talented family of sisters formerly known as Iotah, have been added to the Glastonbury bill. I still remember first hearing them come on air during the Unearthed High competition and just thinking, wow…. These girls can wail…. Seriously awesome sound. Check out the two tracks on their Myspace Page here or even better watch this great acoustic version of Through The Clover below. Massive things coming for these girls if you ask me… which I guess you have because you are reading my blog… not someone else’s… anyway, listen YEOW!

Yoddle Yoddle Noodle Noodle.

Now that that’s said, listened to and watched, what’s going on my Lovely, Loyal, reLiable, Loveable, Liquid-indulging, Lactose-tolerant and/or intolerant, Laminated, Likeable, Lime and Land Loving 8 followers? I absolutely kala-frickin-listic-ally heart all my followers! I recently realised that one day I will have to either give this thing a proper go and try and get my musings in front of more of those who may appreciate it, however, until this day comes I shall continue to send sporadic announcements of musical atonement, life pondering, little ups, little downs and all the goodness in between all this, all of course in an effort to distribute my brain berries to those hungry enough to try such a random concept/fruit.

Now, once again the gap between posts is long, and the learnings since last are vast, yet hopefully your heart still requires a light caress of musical and mind bottling goodness… yeah that’s right I said mind bottling. Like, putting everything in a bottle… So, here I am, bringing to you the pieces of my mind, the music of my ears and the ramblings of my soul. Let’s boogie.

So as you may or may not know, I recently returned from One Movement Music Festival and Musexpo in Perth. It was flippin ridiculously good. With speakers such as Lady Gaga’s international Manager Troy Carter, Rob Buckler (Content Manager iinet) and some you most likely already know like Michael “Chuggie” Chugg, Seymour Stein and Triple J’s very own Richard Kingsmill (who by the way I got to ask a question… AWESOMENESS) - seriously mouth watering stuff listening to what these legends of the music industry had to say on topics varying from the future of the music industry and the roles each component shall play, to monetization in the digital realm. A music lover’s wonderland.

Now the music side of this event was second to none, with side showcase appearances from bands representing nations from all over Asia Pacific including the exuberant Ze!, the adorable yet deadly Biuret (was so impressed that their musical inspiration was Pearl Jam) and Japans rockin, guitar looping, drum smashing duo - Uhnellys. The later being one of my favourites of the entire music festival. These showcase events were held throughout some back alley venues around Perth with the main Festival kicking off on Saturday and wrapping up Sunday.

The festival itself was rad, I was watching bands like Cloud Control, Boy & Bear, Passenger, The Holidays, Georgia Fair, Tim & Jean, Delta Spirit, Ben Kweller, Hungry Kids of Hungary, Miyavi (WOW – check this out), Miami Horror, Children Collide, Grinspoon, Karnivool, Dead Letter Circus, Dan Sultan, Xavier Rudd, Drapht, Gypsy and The Cat, The Jezabels (AMAZING), Kora, An Horse and The Chemist. There were so many more but man, these bands were better than a free candy bar… and I flippin love candy bars. But if there is one thing you take from this post it should be this – Music is made by amazingly talented individuals. Many of us wish we were musicians of their calibre, but only few reach the levels these individuals have. This is their life and they are allowing us insights into it so we should be thankful and return the favour by attending as many live music gigs as possible to support them.

To wrap up this small post I just wanted to shout a massive wasssssssup to all the members of Dead Letter Chorus, in particular Cam and Gabrielle - you guys are flippin awesome peeps and your music is beautifully constructed and performed, and Guinea Fowl - Matty, Yarren and Douglas, you guys are flippin rad, music that blows the mind and personalities to match. I met and hung out with members of both these groups and I must say was absolutely blown away by their awesomeness and willingness to hang with a booze marketer and space cadet such as myself, talking music, beers, pizza and awesome balconies and all in between (picture my mind being blown at the idea of hanging out with awesome musicians in the most physical sense you can… it was just like that).

Thanks you swell peeps for reading this explosion that just landed on a keyboard, I shall continue to send you what I can when I can. I aim to write a more in-depth report on the actual musical experiences of One Movement including my terrible mistake in identity and my fumbling mess when trying to buy a cd off a band I loved watching…. EMBARRASEMENT!

Have a lovely weekend you crazy canoodles.